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Архітектурні конкурси

Архітектурні конкурси книги та журнали

Ви обрали:
Benjamin Hossbach, Christian Lehmhaus, Christine Eichelmann
ID: 18249
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

Planning competitions are used in public and private projects as an instrument for optimising the design and selecting planning partners. For both small and large projects, the organised, fair, transparent and specialist process helps to improve the quality of urban development, buildings, open spaces and art. Like its successful predecessor title, this book documents the competition procedures coordinated by [phase eins]. in recent years. Founded in 1998, [phase eins]. is one of the leading offices for project consulting and competition management in the fields of architecture and urban design. A total of

27 projects in Germany, Austria, Albania, Ukraine, Kuwait, Belgium, Canada and Lebanon are presented with extensive illustrations and explanations. The book also contains texts on fundamental issues relating to the competition system.

About the Authors:

Benjamin Hossbach, born 1966 in Darmstadt, Germany. In 1995 he completed his architecture degree at the TU Berlin. After having worked as an online editor of Bauwelt – Germany’s leading architectural journal – and as a self-employed architect, in 1998 he founded the firm [phase eins]. Projektberatung + Wettbewerbsmanagement für Architektur und Städtebau (Project Consultancy + Competition Management for Architecture and Urban Development). He is also an author of numerous specialist publications on architectural competitions and a guest lecturer, incl. at the ETH Zürich, Harvard University and the TU Berlin. Christian Lehmhaus, born 1963 in Bielefeld, Germany. In 1993 he completed his architecture degree at the TU Berlin. Since 2001, after having been employed as an architect, he has been Partner and Managing Director at [phase eins]. Projektberatung + Wettbewerbsmanagement für Architektur und Städtebau. He was also Professor of Project Management and Project Development at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. Christine Eichelmann, born 1959 in Werneck, Germany. In 1986 she completed her architecture degree at the TU Berlin. Since 2008, after having been employed as an architect – incl. at Studio Libeskind (Berlin), OMA (London) and Karen van Lengen (New York) – and as a project manager, she has been General Manager and Chief Representative of [ phase eins]. Projektberatung + Wettbewerbsmanagement für Architektur und Städtebau. She was also a research assistant at the TU Berlin und ran her own architectural practice from 1994 to 1997.

Ціна: 3500 грн
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Benjamin Hossbach, Christian Lehmhaus and Christine Eichelmann
ID: 18250
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

Design competitions are an indispensable element of quality assurance in architecture, urban design, landscape architecture, engineering, and arts. This book provides a wealth of practical and formal information on all issues related to the organization of design competitions. It also presents 60 illustrated practical examples of successfully conducted competitions for 12 building typologies. The authors of this book are architects in Berlin, founders and/or partners of [phase eins]. The company is one of the leading offices in Germany and worldwide for project consulting and competition management in the fields of architecture and urban development and has managed more than 200 design competitions and tender procedures in 22 countries over the past 25 years.

About the Authors:

Benjamin Hossbach: Born in Darmstadt in 1966. He completed his training as a carpenter in 1988 and his architectural studies at the TU Berlin in 1995. After working as an online -editor for Bauwelt and as a freelance architect, he founded the office [phas
Christian Lehmhaus: Born in 1963 in Bielefeld. He completed his architectural studies at TU Berlin in 1993. After working as an employed architect, he has been a partner at - [phase eins]. project consultants + design competition organizers since 2001. In

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Бенʼямін Госбах, Крістіан Лемгаус, Крістін Айхельманн
ID: 18228
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

У контексті державних і приватних проєктів, конкурси з планування виступають інструментом для вибору та оптимізації проєктних рішень, а також для прийняття рішень щодо залучення найбільш важливих виконавців проєкту. Без конкурсного діалогу, прозорості, яку він забезпечує в процесі визначення переможців, і його сили як інтегруючої основи для участі відповідних зацікавлених сторін про-єкту, інновації та будівельна галузь не досягли б того рівня і визнання, які вони мають повсюдно останні десятиліття. Таким чином, містобудівні конкурси є не-замінним елементом забезпечення високої якості в архітектурі, містобудуванні, плануванні громадських просторів, інженерії та мистецтві.

Тим не менш, цей інструмент планування та присудження неодноразово піддавався критиці та (справедливо) ставився під сумнів. Відповідно, важливо легко, вільно, при цьому доволі чітко і точно застосовувати методи і можливості цього інструменту, які були розроблені протягом більш ніж 150 років, щоб продовжувати використовувати потенціал конкурсів. Незважаючи на те, що конкурси широко висвітлюються, обговорюються і на них заробляють, навіть серед експертів мало що відомо про організаційні та формальні рамки підготовки і проведення процедур – про конкурсний менеджмент.

Автори книги являються берлінськими архітекторами, співзасновниками й відповідно партнерами бюро [phase eins]. Засноване у 1998 році, є одним з провідних у Німеччині та світі у питаннях проєктного консалтингу та управління конкурсами в галузі архітектури та містобудування. За останні 25 років провело понад 200 конкурсних та процедур нагородження у 22 країнах світу. Ґрунтуючись на цьому досвіді, книга містить широкий спектр практичної та теоретичної інформації стосовно організації планувальних конкурсів. Окрім того, у ній наведено 60 ілюстрованих практичних прикладів успішно проведених конкурсних процедур для 12 різних типологій будівель та споруд. Серед яких конкурси на проектування Мюнхенського концертного залу, Канадського парламенту, адміністративного комплексу для Європейської комісії в Брюсселі, кварталу Place Lalla Yeddouna у Фесі, Музею Революції Гідності на Майдані в Києві, В‘єтнамо-німецького університету в Сайгоні, Бейрутського музею мистецтв та центральної будівлі заводу BMW у Лейпцигу.

Цей досвід доповнюється коментарями понад 50 відомих експертів, які сформулювали свій досвід як члени журі, учасники та/або лауреати премії у вигляді коротких практичних рекомендацій.
Сподіваючись зробити свій внесок у якісні та справедливі процедури, книга призначена, зокрема, для (потенційних) організаторів конкурсів, а також для всіх ін-ших, хто бере участь у конкурсних процедурах - учасників, членів журі, представників спеціалізованої преси, студентів та представників органів влади.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 9544
Видавництво: Braun

Protecting human beings has always been one of the most genuine purposes of architecture. Due to the increase in global warming in recent years, protection from the sun is becoming one of its most important functions. This challenge has resulted in numerous trendsetting technological innovations and amazing design concepts, which have been collected in this book. Shade is mainly created in three ways: while opaque constructions block off all light, perforated devices as well as translucent materials reduce the exposure to light.

Creating Shade presents all conceivable types and forms of shade-providing design made of a host of different materials such as wood, fabrics, concrete, and a great number of synthetic materials. The collection includes elegant pergolas, extravagant pavilions, and roofed piazzas, as well as a fascinating solution for a canopy over a Roman excavation site and the spectacular Metropol Parasol in Seville. Outstanding serial products are presented along with individually constructed creations.

- Solar Carport in Las Vegas, USA (SunPower Design)
- Fresh Flower in London, UK (Tonkin Liu)
- Panyaden School in Chiang Mai, Thailand (24H architecture)
- Oval Shade in Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia (Bureau Alexander Brodsky)
- On the Way to the Sea in Bat-Yam, Israel (Derman Verbakel Architecture)

Ціна: 2300 грн
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Ursula Schwitalla, Christiane Fath
ID: 16656
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

Inspiring Role Models for a Younger Generation of Women Architects

Making women in architecture visible — that is the goal of Diversity in Architecture e. V. (DIVIA). Celebrating its debut in 2023, its international award for women architects and urban planners aims to help achieve this goal. Following the announcement of 27 nominees, selected by an international Advisory Board with experts form the six continents, a high-profile jury has chosen the five finalists: May al-Ibrashy, Marta Maccaglia, Noella Nibakuze, Katherine Clarke & Liza Fior and Tosin Oshinowo. Each of them is a pioneer in her field and an embodiment of DIVIA’s philosophy, inspired by trailblazing architect Lina Bo Bardi that “architecture is a social discipline.” This catalogue retraces their paths and portrays their work. In conversation with them we learn about what drives them, the obstacles they have face(d) along the way, and the opportunities that lie in female leadership. This publication is a tribute to their cultural engagement, ethics, and deep sense of community — it is a recognition of their efforts to create environments that positively affect others and celebrates them as role models for the next generation of female architects.

DIVIA — Diversity in Architecture e. V. was founded by Ursula Schwitalla and Christiane Fath in 2021. The platform’s aim is to increase the visibility of women in architecture and urban planning and to promote equality.

Ціна: 1500 грн
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Ines de la Fressange, Marin Montagut, Claire Cocano
ID: 17179
Видавництво: Flammarion

A duo of high-profile tastemakers invite readers inside fifteen homes that are infused with the blend of vintage and contemporary style that is the essence of Parisian chic.

Style icon Ines de la Fressange and globe-trotting artist Marin Montagut share a uniquely Parisian sensibility for interiors that combine a variety of design traditions into a harmonious living space.

With extensive photographs, watercolor illustrations, mood boards, color palettes, and practical advice on the indispensable objects that personalize each maison, this exquisite volume is rich in inspiration for creating Parisian chic at home.

Natural materials — wood, wicker, bamboo, cotton, and linen — create warmth and personality. Vintage suitcases, vegetable crates, and jewel-toned pharmaceutical jars transform into charming storage containers. Embroidered cushions, terrariums, and fresh flowers enliven a room with pops of color. Collages, original art, or humble objects displayed in a series add a signature style to each residence.

The authors take readers inside fifteen Parisian apartments — including their own — that demonstrate how to imbue a home with a sense of well-being through a mix of vintage and contemporary styles. Each owner is passionate about home decor—whether in a studio, loft, or duplex — and they continually evolve their interior with new treasures uncovered in flea markets, on their travels, at design fairs, or in artisanal workshops.

About the Author:

Ines de la Fressange is the best-selling author of Parisian Chic, art director of fashion and home accessories at Ines de la Fressange Paris, creative consultant for Roger Vivier, designer for her line at Uniqlo, and a model. Marin Montagut, author and illustrator of the Bonjour City Map-Guides, has collaborated with many French brands, including Diptyque, Pierre Frey, L’Occitane, and Sézane. Award-winning photographer Claire Cocano is a regular contributor to Milk Decoration.


Пролистать книгу Maison: Parisian Chic at Home​  на сайте издательства.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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ID: 9209
Видавництво: Archiworld

Culture & Exhibition Facility

008 The New Cable 8

014 Daejeon Doan Complex Culture Center

020 SAEMANGEUM Exhibition Center_1st prize

024 SAEMANGEUM Exhibition Center_2nd prize

028 SAEMANGEUM Exhibition Center_3st prize

032 Taipei Pop Music Center

038 Eunpyeong Eco-Museum

044 Gorang Port and 1.21 Infiltration Route Theme Park

050 National Institute of Nakdong River Biological Resources

056 Daegu Eco Highschool Eco Park

062 Museum of The World WarⅡ

066 Hangeul Museum

072 The Observatory Design for Yi-sun-sin"s The Great Battle of Myeongrang Triumph Square

076 Black Meadow

080 New Cultural Center of Meudon-La-Foret

086 Jeju Air and Space Museum

092 Chungcheongbuk-do Education & Intelligence Service

098 Kristiansund Opera and Culture Center

102 Community Church

106 Sulsaem Museum

112 The Vanishing Mosque

118 Multi Mill

122 Cultural Center Stjordal

126 Traditional Culture Experience Hall

130 The Daegu Cultural Creation Center

136 Silent memorial - absent monument

140 Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall

Welfare Facility

148 Baebang-eup Administration Complex

154 An Extension of Busan National University Hospital B-Dong

160 Dormitory of Sungwon Dormitory-type High School

166 Woncheon-dong Residents Center

170 A New Ferry Terminal in Stockholm

176 Busan Jung0gu Daecheong-dong Hillside-drive Parking Facility

180 Gyeongui Railroad Gangmae Station

186 Community Center of Janggi-2-dong, Gimpo City

190 The Respiratory Disease Center of Chungbuk National University Hospital

196 Geoje Community Social Welfare Center

202 Yeongi-gun Rehabilitation Center

208 Ansan College Student Dormitory Extension

214 Gangbukgu Senior Welfare Center

220 Gyeongchun Railroad Line Byeolnae Station Building

226 New Cruise Terminal in Lisbon

232 Cottages at Fallingwater

238 18 Steps

Physical Facility

246 Mun-hak Swimming Stadium - WATER MAN

252 Gyeyang Stadium - In Flow

258 Namdong Stadium - In Flow

264 Seonhak Stadium

270 Dalian Football Stadium, China

276 "Waves Park".Olympic Complex, Mostaganem, Algeria.

282 Seongnam General Sport Center

288 Song-lim Bolleyball Stadium - Z-TRANSFORM

294 Velenje Sports Park 

ID: 9210
Видавництво: Archiworld

Education & Reasearch Facility

08 Jeju International School

14 Chonbuk National University Zoonoses Research Institute

22Chungju National Univercity Digital Library and Lecture Hall

30 Incheon Robotland Public Facilities

36 The Construction of National Biobank of Korea

42 Pangyo Techno Vallev R&D Center

48 O-song High School

54 The Convergence of Life Research & Education Center of College of Medicine, Seoul National University

60 Jinju National University of Education, Education Culture Building

66 Renovation of Mobile Convergence Technical Center

72 Infant & Toddlers Plaza and Foreign Language House for Children

78 Singori 3, 4 Simulator Building

84 Korea Polar Research Insitute

90 Center for State-Of-The-Art Science, Hannam University

96 Busan Juvenile Education & Culture Hall

102 Sahmyook University"s Future Center(EPI Center)

108 Health & Sports Education Center of Kangwon National University

114 Training Center for the Construction Craftsmen

120 Podium Extension of The UTS Tower Building UTS

126 Science Research Center of Gyenggi Science Academy

132 Gyeungdong High School Complex Facility

138 Global Engineering Education Center

144 Duksung College of Pharmacy Construction

120 Labortary Animal Facilities of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

126 Ansim Public Library

132 New library in Caen

138 University of Canberra

Office & Commercial Facility

172 Datong Twin Towers

178 Korea Electric Power Corporation

184 Korea Power Exchange Head Office

190 Yeingnam Regional Head Office building of Korea Rail Network Authority

196 New Ulchin 1, 2 Nuclear Power Plant

202 Redevelopment and Extension Pst Rotterdam

206 New York Korea Center

212 Eco Vessel

216 The Agricultural Training Institute

222 Seongsu-dong Call Center

226 Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, DC, USA

230 The Conerstone

Urban planning

236 BSU, Agency for Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg

242 Hua Qiang Bei Road in Shenzhen

248 Project for a New Dimension

256 Cultural Connect : Key To Sustained Vitality

262 Framing a Modern Masterpiece

268 City Park

274 Cleve[r]land

280 The International Urban ldeas Competition for the Sustainable Development of Gadeokdo, Busan in the Republic of Korea

286 ‘North Bind" as an Example of Sustainable Urban Design

290 Shaoxing Water City

294 Town Houses

ID: 7511
Видавництво: Tang Art

310 PARK
696 CLUB

ID: 9211
Видавництво: Archiworld

Culture & Exhibition Facility

10 Comic & Animation Museum

16 Sihwa Unification Culture Center 1st

22 Sihwa Unification Culture Center 3rd

28 Gyeongju Convention Center Competition

34 Ulju Folk Museum

40 Dooly Culture Center

46 The Presidential Archive in the Multifunctional Administrative City‘A Leisurely Walk in the Archive"

54 Floating Observatories

60 Daegu Citizen Hall Renovation

66 ROCKmagneten

72 Kaohsiung Maritime Cultural & Popular Music Center International Competition


84 Pulsen Community Center

90 Cultural and Spiritual Russian Orthodox Center

96 Guro Media Art Center

102 Grenn Growth Experience Museum

108 Green Growth Experience Museum 108 Deajeon Urban Culture Center for Important Intangible Cultural Properties ‘Ryu Center"

114 The Wine Culture and Tourism Center

120 Beton Hala Waterfront Center

126 ‘A Mosque for All" New Mosque, Islamic Cultural Center & Museum of Religious Harmony 

130 The Patriotic Martyrdom Park of Yi Sun-shin

136 Chang Ucchin Museum

142 New Taipei City Museum of Art Conceptual Design International Competition

148 Design Incubator

154 Greenland National Gallery of Art

Education & Research Facility

162 Chungju National University Education Center

168 Digital Culture Center & International Exchange Hall of Sunchon National University

174 Military Chidren Boarding High Schoo

180 Campus Park(Bucheon University 2nd Campus)

186 Vilhelmsro Primary School

192 Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

196 Chungcheongnam-do Office of Education & Education Research and Information Institute

202 Daegu University Arts and Design Center

208 Gak-ri 2 Elementary School

214 Primary School & Sport Hall

220 School Campus Knokke-Heist

226 Kyungin Women" s College the 20th Anniversary Memorial Hall

232 Wanju-gun Central Library

Dwelling & Urban planning

240 Namyeong-dong Urban Environmental Improvement Project 

246 Hwasun Agriculture Newtown

254 International Competition for Osong Bio Valley Masterplan

260 New Holland Island

266 Songpa Wirye A2-4BL Apartment 1st

272 Song-pa Wirye New City A2-4BL Apartment Participation

278 Songdo RC4 Apartment

286 Weave Urban Housing

290 Skien Brygge New Urban Community

296 Sustainable Urban Development in Oslo Suburb

300 Faaborg Harbour Bath & Blue Base 

ID: 9212
Видавництво: Archiworld

Office & Commercial Facility

10 KEPCO E&C Headquarters Design Competition

16 Korea Rural Community Corporation

22 The Korea Teachers Pension Head Office

28 Korea Tourism Organization New Building

34 New Headquarter for GEPS in Jeju_1st

40 New Headquarter for GEPS in Jeju_2nd

46 Federal National Council"s New Parliament Building Complex, Abu Dhabi, UAE

52 Korea South East Power Headquarter

58 Dodream Fashion Center

64 Digital Broadcasting Contents Supply Center

70 Korea east-west Power Corporation

76 Film Industry Composite Center

82 Master Plan of the Sanctification for Jangheung Seokdae-deul An old Battlefield Site

88 An-Sung Agri-Food Consume Manufacture Center

96 Korea Appraisal Board ‘Jeongan-lu - A pavilion that looks straight"

102 Youth Hostel, Offices and Kindergarten

108 Jiangyin Gold Sense Hotel & Resort

114 Wuhan Greenland Center

Public Facility & Terminal

122 International Competition for Stage 3 District 1 of Government Office in Sejeong-city, Korea

130 International Competition for Stage 3 District 2 of Government Office in Sejeong-city, Korea

138 Local Government Officials Development Institute

144 Construction of Bangbae General Administrative & Cultural Center

150 Sejongsi Government Complex 2-1 Project

156 The Annex Building of Haeundae-Gu Office

162 Amagerforbraending: A New Waste Treatment Plant

170 Songdo 2 Community Center

176 Wangsimni Doseon-dong Community Service Center 

182 New Danish State Prison 

186 Incheon International Airport Passenger Terminal 2_1st 

192 Incheon International Airport Passenger Terminal 2_2nd

200 New Siem Reap International Airport Complex

206 KTX Suseo Station Seoul, Korea_1st

212 KTX Suseo Station Seoul, Korea_2nd

218 Seohea-line 105 Station

224 Seohea-line 106 Station

230 Kaohsiung Port Terminal

Welfare & Physical Facility

238 Military Children Dormitory

244 Goryeong Culture and Sports Center & Grand Gaya Cultural Tour Park_1st

250 Goryeong Culture and Sports Center & Grand Gaya Cultural Tour Park_2nd

256 Seoul National University Hospital Medical Human Resource Development(HRD) Center

262 Civic Sports Center & 2013 National Games Arena

268 Athletic Ripples

274 Muju People" s Sports Center

280 Namhea-gun Sports Center_1st

286 Namhea-gun Sports Center_2nd

292 Changwon Eastern Sports Center

298 Incheon Internationl Ice Sports Arena

ID: 9003
Видавництво: Archiworld

The 30th Korea Architectural Award

Theme : JIP _ Creative community

The 47th Gyeonggi Architectural Award

The 27th Busan Architectural Award

Theme : RearchitectectuRe

The 21st Gyeongnam Architectural Award

Theme : Place of yesterday and today, and color of KyungNam

The 14th Ulsan Architectural Comptition

Theme : Urban restoration : Making a place for life

The 16th Gyeonggi Architectural Culture Award

The 4th Chumgnam Grand Festival of Achitecture and Culture

The 6th Korea Agriculture, fishing Architectural Award

Theme : Community recovery of agricultural and fishing villaget hrough


The 15th College Students Housing Architectural Award

Theme : Urban multiple dwelling house meeting lifestyle

The 10th Korea Wood Design Award

The 8th Docomomo Korea Design Competition

Theme : The future of Camp Hialeah is adaptive re-use of camp ihaleah

The 1st Posco Steel Design Festa

Theme : Steel Park

The 4th Sustainable Green home building Student Competition

The 11th International Architectural Exhibition for Youth Facility

Theme : Change and Action

The 23th Korea Interior Design Competition

Theme : Focuses on space planning, interior design work

The 15th DGID Interior Architectural Design Competition

Theme : Creations on interior design

The 6th Crystal Scale Prize

Theme : Interior and exterior erenovation or proposa

The 5th Xi Design Fiesta

Theme : Fit Your Life

The 4th Korea Space Coordination Award

Theme : Duality - Plain yet, Elegant

The 3rd KIID Space Design Award Contest

Theme : Reinterpretation of Materiality

The 3rd Europe regional Holcim Awards competition - Next Generation prizes

The 2nd Arquideas Competition for Students Coworking Building(CoB) Madrid, Spain

ID: 7512
Видавництво: Tang Art


ID: 4415
Видавництво: Archiworld

International Architecture Competition Annual
Two-volume annual displays the winning entries from the year"s most notable international competitions.

ID: 4416
Видавництво: Archiworld

International Architecture Competition Annual
Two-volume annual displays the winning entries from the year"s most notable international competitions.

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на сторінці

Архітектурні конкурси (журнали та книги)

У журналах та книгах про архітектурні конкурси розповідається про змагання між професіоналами будівельної справи в ідеях та проектах будівель, території чи малої архітектурної форми. З подальшим розглядом проекту членами експертного журі та вибором переможців. Такі журнали стануть добрим джерелом додаткових відомостей про будівництво та проектування для молодих архітекторів. І надихаючою літературою для досвідчених будівельників та ландшафтних дизайнерів. У книгах докладно розбираються всі помилки та вдалі проекти, що може стати хорошим досвідом для всіх, хто цікавиться цим напрямом мистецтва.

В інтернет-магазині «Designbook» є книги та журнали:

  • Книги про відомі архітектурні конкурси минулих років та сучасні.
  • Журнали про міжнародні фестивалі архітектури, з переліком усіх лауреатів та переможців.
  • Нотатки та статті про найуспішніші проекти та авторські роботи архітекторів, які посіли перші місця. Історія їхнього професійного становлення.

Вивчення архітектурних конкурсів, учасників та їх задумів – це найкращий спосіб глибше осягнути спеціальність, на конкретних прикладах розібрати принципи створення ідеї та втілення її у життя. Наявність креслень, розрахунків та фотографій конкурсних робіт у журналах посилить результат отриманої інформації.

Замовляйте оригінальні журнали та книги про архітектурні конкурси на нашому сайті за вигідними цінами. Ми працюємо з видавництвами без посередників, що дає можливість замовити рідкісний екземпляр. Для того, щоб придбати книгу, що сподобалася, заповнюйте форму на сайті, або телефонуйте по контактному телефону. Доставка діє по всій території України.


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